Friselis - The Loon Squad    13 - 9

#NameAst.Goals Tot.
20Johann Michotey426
96Thomas Lelièvre235
21Paul Benvegnen224
36Felix Priour Martin123
42William Boileau022
8Gaspard Calligaro022
33Thomas Catonnet202
10Loris Petiteau101
99Martin Tardy101
0Ugo Bousquet000
7Jean-Sebastien Guillou000
11Mathieu Le Pommellet000
77Ghislain LEONARD000
41Alexandre Leroutier000
66Julien Mary000
13Augustin Scala000
The Loon Squad
88Seán Fitzgerald044
7Joey Curtis404
6Mark Cunningham123
67James Doherty303
77James Kennedy011
39Niall McGovern011
12Cormac Shields011
21Josh Taylor101
1Jaedyn Aru000
14Alex Henry000
24Evan Mahony000
70Adam Purcell000
0 - 1#7 Joey Curtis #88 Seán Fitzgerald 3.003.00
1 - 1#20 Johann Michotey #96 Thomas Lelièvre 3.300.30
2 - 1#10 Loris Petiteau #8 Gaspard Calligaro 5.051.35
3 - 1#33 Thomas Catonnet #42 William Boileau 8.503.45
3 - 2#67 James Doherty #77 James Kennedy 12.303.40
3 - 3#7 Joey Curtis #6 Mark Cunningham 13.501.20
4 - 3#20 Johann Michotey #36 Felix Priour Martin 15.001.10
5 - 3#33 Thomas Catonnet #42 William Boileau 17.302.30
5 - 4#67 James Doherty #88 Seán Fitzgerald 19.302.00
6 - 4#36 Felix Priour Martin #20 Johann Michotey 21.001.30
6 - 5#67 James Doherty #88 Seán Fitzgerald 22.301.30
7 - 5#20 Johann Michotey #36 Felix Priour Martin 24.201.50
8 - 5#21 Paul Benvegnen #20 Johann Michotey 26.001.40
8 - 6#7 Joey Curtis #39 Niall McGovern 27.301.30
9 - 6#21 Paul Benvegnen #96 Thomas Lelièvre 29.151.45
9 - 7#7 Joey Curtis #6 Mark Cunningham 31.101.55
10 - 7#96 Thomas Lelièvre #21 Paul Benvegnen 32.501.40
11 - 7#99 Martin Tardy #8 Gaspard Calligaro 35.202.30
11 - 8#6 Mark Cunningham #88 Seán Fitzgerald 37.352.15
12 - 8#96 Thomas Lelièvre #21 Paul Benvegnen 42.304.55
12 - 9#21 Josh Taylor #12 Cormac Shields 44.201.50
13 - 9#20 Johann Michotey #96 Thomas Lelièvre 45.301.10

Game official: Mathis

Game statistics

FriselisThe Loon Squad
Goals: 13 9
Time on offence: 15.40 min (35.9 %) 28.00 min (64.1 %)
Time on defence: 28.00 min (64.1 %) 15.40 min (35.9 %)
Time on offence/goal: 1.12 min 3.06 min
Time on defence/goal: 3.06 min 1.12 min
Goals from starting on offence: 9/10 (90.0 %) 8/12 (66.7 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 4/12 (33.3 %) 1/10 (10.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 4 1
Time-outs: 0 0
Spirit points: 12 (3+2+2+2+3) 11 (1+2+3+3+2)

Game history