Sharks - The Loon Squad    13 - 7

#NameAst.Goals Tot.
28Pau Gil325
52Lluc Faixedas404
10Aran Egea213
6Pol Cobos303
20Nil Dalmau022
32Michael Meister022
59Arnau Pons Marin022
55Joel Recio022
78Àngel Asensio011
15Christian V. Recalde Campuzano011
2Guillem Pina101
69Andrés Muñoz000
65David Reina000
The Loon Squad
77James Kennedy134
88Seán Fitzgerald123
7Joey Curtis213
70Adam Purcell202
6Mark Cunningham011
39Niall McGovern101
1Jaedyn Aru000
67James Doherty000
14Alex Henry000
24Evan Mahony000
12Cormac Shields000
21Josh Taylor000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
1 - 0#28 Pau Gil #32 Michael Meister 1.201.20
2 - 0#52 Lluc Faixedas #55 Joel Recio 3.502.30
2 - 1#77 James Kennedy #6 Mark Cunningham 9.305.40
3 - 1#10 Aran Egea #20 Nil Dalmau 11.302.00
3 - 2#39 Niall McGovern #77 James Kennedy 12.551.25
4 - 2#6 Pol Cobos #28 Pau Gil 14.101.15
5 - 2#52 Lluc Faixedas #55 Joel Recio 16.102.00
5 - 3#88 Seán Fitzgerald #7 Joey Curtis 18.001.50
6 - 3#28 Pau Gil #10 Aran Egea 19.201.20
6 - 4#7 Joey Curtis #88 Seán Fitzgerald 20.551.35
6 - 5#70 Adam Purcell #77 James Kennedy 22.351.40
7 - 5#10 Aran Egea #59 Arnau Pons Marin 25.152.40
8 - 5#28 Pau Gil #59 Arnau Pons Marin 29.351.55
8 - 6#7 Joey Curtis #88 Seán Fitzgerald 32.202.45
9 - 6#6 Pol Cobos #20 Nil Dalmau 33.401.20
10 - 6#52 Lluc Faixedas #78 Àngel Asensio 36.202.40
11 - 6#52 Lluc Faixedas #15 Christian V. Recalde Campuzano 43.106.50
Timeout 36.30
Timeout 39.35
11 - 7#70 Adam Purcell #77 James Kennedy 43.500.40
12 - 7#6 Pol Cobos #28 Pau Gil 45.001.10
13 - 7#2 Guillem Pina #32 Michael Meister 46.501.50

Game statistics

SharksThe Loon Squad
Goals: 13 7
Time on offence: 12.45 min (28.7 %) 31.40 min (71.3 %)
Time on defence: 31.40 min (71.3 %) 12.45 min (28.7 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.58 min 4.31 min
Time on defence/goal: 4.31 min 0.58 min
Goals from starting on offence: 7/8 (87.5 %) 6/12 (50.0 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 6/12 (50.0 %) 1/8 (12.5 %)
Goals from turnovers: 6 1
Time-outs: 1 1
Spirit points: 12 (2+2+2+3+3) 11 (2+2+2+3+2)

Game history